Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Taormina, Sicily

Today we flew from London to Taormina, Sicily.

Not too bad of a flight, just shy of 3 hours. Man, if I lived in London, I'd be visiting so many cool places in Europe it's ridiculous. 3 hours to get here?!?

Once we landed in Sicily, we rented our car and made the hour or so drive North from Catania to Taormina. I've heard Italians drive like maniacs, and yes... yes, they do. And, as is common seemingly everywhere I've been in Europe, road signs don't exist. But somehow we made it here with minimal misqueues. Oh, and apparently in Sicily, a red light means stop, and then after waiting a second, go. Everyone does this.

The roads of Taormina are pretty crazy. You'll see from the photos how precariously balanced this town is... it's clinging to the side of a rock, threatening to topple headlong into the Ionin Sea. To the East nothing but water visible from my room, whereas the South is shrouded by the shadow of Mount Etna, the tallest mountain in Europe. This city is absolutely gorgeous!

Looking East from our hotel balcony.

Same balcony, but slightly more North facing, sun setting, and a 3 second exposure.

Sun setting over Mount Etna.

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