Sunday, March 25, 2012


On our way back to Catania, we stopped at a little town called Caltagirone. Caltagirone is famous for two things: Ceramics, and the Stairs to Heaven. Holy shit, that was a lot of stairs! Also, each stair has unique ceramic tiles decorating it:

View from above:

Lots of neat ceramics here. We picked up a few gifts that would be easier to transport home. Kyra wanted this plate, but there's no way it would make it home in one piece!

This evening we're staying in a guest room that we rented at a castle. Like, a real one. That's still in use:

1 comment:

  1. Calling Catania "not pretty" is an enormous understatement. Plus, while we managed to navigate around Sicily, including the teeny streets of Ragusa, this place defeated both driver and copilot-navigator. Any city that makes me glad to find a mall is forever banished to my "never been there" list of shame. This is currently #2 on the list, falling only behind the town never to be named.


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